JESD цонхны бариулуудыг ашиглан хялбар ажиллах боломжтой.Цонхтой, дээвэртэй, гулгадаг цонхтой аль нь ч байлаа гэсэн эдгээр бариулууд нь хялбар, хялбар ажиллах боломжийг олгодог бөгөөд таны орон зай дахь агаарын урсгал болон агааржуулалтыг хялбархан хянах боломжийг олгодог.
founded on 2011, is an enterprise engaged in R & D, production and sales of door and window hardware andbuilding hardware system hardware accessories. The company's main products are: invisible hinge, heavy hinge, upper suspension sliding support, flatopen sliding support. lt is mainly used in aluminum doorand window system, in line with the standard of JG /T127-2007" sliding brace for building door and windowhardware", and can open and close more than 35000 times repeatedly. lt is made of high-quality 304 stainless steel, with smooth surface. At present, we arecommitted to researching fire window accessories and set up apartment of design.